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Djuro Selec, contemporary painter

Artist Statement

As a contemporary painter and a tech professional, Djuro aims to portray the vibrant chaos of screen culture. Her complex relationship with technology fuels her artistic vision, expressing an emotional journey from deprivation and addiction to enthusiasm and cautious consumption, all in a balanced visual frenzy. Drawing inspiration from both digital expanse and her immediate surroundings, she handcrafts a canvas that marries the virtual with the tactile.

Djuro’s process-led paintings are whimsical "digital landscapes" that bear the imprint of screens, infused with her signature painting technique, and marked by playful disruption. There's a rebellious lack of compositional hierarchy and pictorial sense; instead, layers collide and interact, mirroring the most human tendency tech demonstrates: a lag, a bug, a glitch. 

LICK exhibition

Safehouse 1, London

I was excited to take part in a group show at Peckham's Safehouse again. Held in a derelict Victorian building, LICK invites art-lovers to taste and savour the content of the artworks in a pop-up show.

Visitors to LICK discovered new work by 22 acclaimed international artists, painters and sculptors. The exhibiting artists - a collective from Turps Art School, London have arranged this group show to celebrate the diversity of contemporary painting and sculptural practice.

Don't miss it, Lick it !
See highlights

exhibition catalogue

"Selec’s work investigates the glitch, something that is mysterious, unknowable and usually temporary
or short-lived. This transient fault is intrinsically difficult to troubleshoot and therefore hard to pin down in technological terms and life! The same can be said of the effects of uncertainty and the anxiety caused by technology and consuming media. The layers of glitch on glitch can confuse us further and thus mounts the tension and anxiety."

~ Karen Parker, Intersilient

Follow djuro.art on Instagram for more reels and stories.

“I find that nothing articulates virtual as well as the glitch does. Like beauty, it commands our attention, and wakes us up. We notice being plucked out of immediate reality and sucked into a virtual one.
As digital noise blurs the boundaries between the tangible and the ephemeral,
I invite the viewer into such a mindful opportunity.”

~ Djuro